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Step motor summary

 Step motor summary

Stepper motor is a kind of execute device which converting electrical pulse signal into

angular displacement,it has high positioning accuracy,dynamic torque,simple control and
so on.It can be used directly for open loop control by digital pulse signal.In order to achieve
the stepping motor of the steady and rapid movement,improving the ability of motor speed
and reduce the impact on motor start-stop process,preventing out of step,which design
reasonable deceleration operation curve is very important.In this paper,through the
establishment of stepping motor control system simulation model based on Simulink,the
running curve effect the performance of the stepper motor control was studied.The
optimization the rotational speed and control accuracy of stepper motor has been realized.
Besides the simulation model can be applied to different motor system performance
In this paper,the stepper motor open-loop control system was studied,the first
established the stepper motor control system based on Simulink,a simulation model based
on the trapezoid and parabolic two operation curve was simulated,and comparing the
simulation results of two kinds of curve analysis.Based on the system application
requirements,Verilog HDL hardware description language is used to design the experiment
platform based on step motor running curve acceleration and deceleration control module,
accurate control of the stepper motor was realized.
In this paper,the structure and working principle of stepper motor are introduced,
summarizes and analyzes the mathematical model of stepper motor,and the basic principle
of stepping motor subdivision drive technology.Through the study of step motor and
deceleration control method,the mathematical equation of parabolic curve is deduced,and
with trapezoidal curve for two algorithm carries out a comparative analysis on the control
characteristics of the motor.
This article is based on the mathematical model of stepper motor,combined with
Simulink provides the reference model of step motor which simulation model is established,
the model's parameters can be modified to achieve generalization.Established in Simulink
environment and stepper motor current subdivision driver module,the subdivide number of
function module and the drive current and voltage value can be modified according to the
demand,thus for different motor to realize subdivision drive control simulation.
In this paper,the stepping motor and deceleration control method are studied,based on
the demand of system real-time performance,stability,accuracy,combined with stepper
motor torque-speed characteristic curve,the parabolic curve mathematical equation is
deduced,and compared with trapezoidal operation curve simulation.The simulation results
show that the parabolic curve has better open-loop control characteristics,improve the
stepping motor rotation speed and control precision.
This article is based on step motor control system hardware experiment platform,using
the top-down approach,using Verilog HDL language in accordance with the motor running
curve acceleration and deceleration control algorithm,designed the stepper motor control
system based on IP soft core,and for each module and the top module are simulated and
validated.Control the output of the above two kinds of operation curve contrast experiment,
the experimental results overall conforms to the simulation results,using parabolic curve in
unit control cycle significantly improved the rotational speed of the motor,but also improve
the control precision.
Key words:Stepper motor;Open loop control system;Deceleration curve;Simulink;
Verilog HDL

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